Resorts of the future. Challenges and obstacles

resorts of the future. challenges and obstacles

From the crisis caused by the pandemic to accelerations for the future, a look at how resort tourism scenarios will change in the near future.

No going back

True, change was already in the air. But the difficult time in the tourism industry, mainly due to Covid-19, set the tone for an unprecedented acceleration.

Indeed, even in the difficult situation faced by resort operators, there has been no shortage of opportunities. Specifically, the need to find new solutions has seen the market's gaze turn to new destinations.

Destinations, more precisely, that were far from mass circuits and the risks connected to them. New needs therefore emerged, in which large open spaces and in contact with nature had to be the key words of change.

Great expectations for resorts

Operators have high hopes for the 2021 season. Of course, there is no shortage of obstacles, such as the strong reduction in foreign customers already seen last year, but the conditions are still there to achieve excellent results.

It is essentially expected that thanks to vaccines and the end of red and orange zones, very interesting performances can be obtained from tourist villages starting from spring.

In fact, there is no shortage of industrial plans adapted to new needs, where summer villages reign supreme, thanks to their characteristics.

A bright future

After an initial upheaval, the forecasts are now smiling again at the markets. With completely revolutionized supply and demand, operators have the opportunity to communicate to families that it is possible to experience an open air holiday in complete safety and serenity.

Ultimately, this is the best time to invest in tourist villages and take the first, very important step to definitively leave the crisis behind us.

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