Brands in the accessible tourism world

Soluna brands in the accessible tourism world

Brands can do so much for many sensitive social issues. These include recreational and educational services addressed to the topic of autism. Consequently, also with regard to accessible tourism Let's find out how.

An in-depth live report

There will be a live in-depth discussion on this subject. Don't miss Thursday, Nov. 19, Enrico Fantaguzzi of LINKAUT and Manuela Giola, managing director Soluna Eventi. 9 p.m. on Zoom by following this link:

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The power of brands

The licensing world is crowded with cartoon characters, as well as famous toys. These are working hard to develop impactful products and services. This shows how the power of brands has incredible penetration in the kids-family world.

This is because brand language has the ability to focus on children's attention. However, they are not the only target of communication: so are the parents. In fact, the latter have the need to always seek new allies. This applies not only to educational formulas: it also concerns entertainment.

An unconventional union

What would happen if we combined this world with the world of accessible tourism? How could brands support autism-sensitive recreational, educational services?

And what new tools could the colorful world of licensing make available? It is a question, the latter, that would apply to both accommodations in terms of lead and proposal to the market, and to families.

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