
Giffoni Film Festival: an amazing experience

giffoni film festival an amazing experience

Soluna Eventi al Giffoni Film Festival La nostra esperienza al Giffoni Film Festival è stata incredibile! Infatti, insieme a Rainbow abbiamo presentato le anteprime mondiali di SUMMER & TODD e PINOCCHIO AND FRIENDS, le due nuovissime produzioni in onda su Rai Yoyo dal prossimo autunno. Un’esperienza magica All’interno della Cittadella del Giffoni, allestita a tema, […]

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Calanìca Wine Tour: Soluna Events and Duca di Salaparuta for an event to be savored

calanica wine tour soluna eventi and duca di salaparuta for an event all to taste

Soluna Eventi is organizing the second edition of the Calanìca Wine Tour, the promotional tour that brings the line of Sicilian wines for tasting to the most beautiful locations in Sicily. After the Calanica Wine Tour 2020, Soluna Eventi has been chosen by the company to manage the new edition of the promotional activity that brings on tour

Calanìca Wine Tour: Soluna Events and Duca di Salaparuta for an event to be savored Read More »

Discovering our brands: Floopaloo

discovering our floopaloo brand

Floopaloo: one of the novelties of summer 2021. With over 4 million viewers, it is the most-watched cartoon on the Freesbie Digital Terrestrial channel. So far, 2 seasons have been produced, with a total of 104 13-minute episodes that have produced record ratings and viewership results. What it's about. The cartoon is about Lisa and

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