Simply Thanks!

44 cats masha and the bear the smurfs pinocchio cocomelon floopaloo summer&todd

WE ARE GROWING! Without fear, with steps firmly planted on the ground. And on this end of the year we want to say a big THANK YOU to those who are making this journey with us:

To MASHA AND THE BEAR, who teach sustainability in our labs; to THE SMURFS, champions with us of the 17 goals of the U.N. 2030 Agenda; to the friends all of Rainbow: PINOCCHIO AND FRIENDS, 44 CATS, SUMMER & TODD, each one special in its own way, each one a conveyor of sound principles.

A big thank you to the little SYLVANIAN FAMILIES, with their stories in our mall-dedicated formats; to FLOOPALOO and the green life-path that received international applause; to the cheerful EMOJI, who reminds us how the expressiveness of faces and communication is (still!) so important.

Thanks also to the newly formed COCOMELON, which will take its first steps in 2022, and to all, but really all, of the brands that believe in us and will fulfill our path with us.

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