The Melon Patch Academy, the maxi lab and the must-have meet and greet
On Air on YT/Netflix
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1.94B Views/Month
The Melon Patch Academy and the maxi lab
A space that reproduces life-size in every detail the cartoon school attended by JJ and his classmates, where children can play and learn while having fun. In addition, Soluna designed the CoComelon Maxi-LAB: an area of nearly 50sqm that houses within it 4 different spaces that recreate 4 settings from the cartoon.
All areas are modular and adaptable to the spaces available in shopping malls and tourist resorts.
The Meet and Greet with JJ
Unforgettable moments for all kids
Thanks to the licensing agreement signed with Moonbug Entertainment through Maurizio Distefano Advisory, Soluna Experience is the only agency that can exclusively offer JJ's original meet and greet, designed to give children an extraordinary and unforgettable experience:
meet live the protagonist of the cartoon CoComelon with whom to share fun moments and take souvenir photos together.
È la prima volta in Italia che il mondo di CoComelon approda nelle gallerie e negli shopping mall ed è un’opportunità commerciale importante, considerando tutti i record che il brand detiene in termini di iscrizioni e views sul canale YouTube dedicato (170 milioni di iscritti e quasi 100 miliardi di visualizzazioni al mese).
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Soluna Format
We work with big brands but not only! We are also creators of many formats produced mainly for the kids target audience.